This page was created January 1, 1997.
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In the Beginning...
Letter to the Editor
Former TCI Employee's Explanation
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Madison, Wisc. (1-1-97) -- On Monday, December 30, 1996, TCI swapped the channel positions of a dozen networks without any advance notice. According to the Wisconsin State Journal, TCI said this was necessary because of their decision to retain WGN (which they planned to drop, but kept because of overwhelming protests).
TCI's claim that this shuffling was necessary didn't sit too well with me. Why would 12 channels need to be flip-flopped to accommodate one? After a little analysis, it seems to make even less sense.
Of those 12 channels, eight switches seem completely unjustified. If you examine the list below, you'll see that each of these networks just switches spots with another on the list -- none were added or removed.
And WGN didn't even move -- it's still channel 13!
It's difficult for me to recall the last positive experience I've had with TCI. Maybe it was when they waived the $3 late fee I got because I didn't call in every month to tell them my credit card number. I didn't realize TCI couldn't handle this on their own.
So when I called yesterday to pay my January bill, after about 14 minutes on hold I asked the customer service rep if they were issuing credits for the unannounced changes. She said, "You're kidding, right?" I told her that those changes caused my VCR to tape the middle of a movie on AMC instead of "Mission: Impossible" (which happens to be my favorite show). She then offered a $1 credit.
That's fine. The amount isn't too important -- it's the principle. I believe TCI execs show very little respect for their customers and that was my small way of expressing dissatisfaction. (It should be noted that my experiences with rank and file TCI employees have been positive -- it's the TCI decision-makers who seem not to care that much about subscribers.)
Anyway, I then called Pat Simms at the Wisconsin State Journal to discuss some projects we're working on. I mentioned my experience and she asked if she could put it in her column. She sure didn't waste any time -- it was in today's paper.
- Dave Friedman <>
Note: According to information in TCI's own literature, these recent unannounced changes even violate their own policies. Excerpt from Important Notices to Our Customers, dated 12/96:
"We also may rearrange, delete, add to or otherwise change the service provided on our Basic Service or other levels of service. If the change affects you, we will provide you notice of the change and its effective date."
Wisconsin State Journal, Letter to the Editor
TCI's channel change explanation sends a bad signal
Regrettably for his case, TCI's own Cable Guide for January gives the lie to his assertion. In it, WGN is not included (Discovery Channel fills the Channel 13 slot), but most of the other changes are there just the same, strongly implying that there is no connection whatever between keeping WGN and most of the channel changes. Moreover, it is clear enough that TCI had made these decisions in time enough to have them included in the Cable Guide, which presumably was sent to the printers several weeks ago -- in time then, one might think, to include this information with the January bills.
Devotees of the Cartoon Channel might find McNeel's absurd defense persuasive; the rest of us, however, might well conclude that the folks at TCI need further training both in telling the truth and in telling lies.
- David Henige, Madison
Reprinted with permission.
Former TCI Employee's Explanation
Came across your web site for TCI. I know it's a little late but I have some information to provide regarding the lineup changes and why.
The decision to make the changes had nothing to do with keeping WGN on the lineup.The changes were made to create a migrated product tier for channels 50, 51, and 52. The decision to create this tier was made the week before Thanksgiving and finalized the Friday after Thanksgiving. Legal notice of the change was placed in the local newspapers on Saturday after Thanksgiving. No other notice was planned for customers.
The groundswell for WGN only changed what channels were to go in the migrated product tier. You can find which channels were originally to go into this tier by checking the legal notices for that Saturday.
Now you may be asking yourself what is a migrated product tier and why did the lineup need to be changed on December 31?
The migrated product tier (as defined by the FCC) allows cable companies to place programming that they charge customers for on an expanded tier (expanded basic) on channels that were not presently on the system.
Three months after this tier is created, cable companies can begin charging additional fees for these channels without reducing what they charge for expanded basic -- even though there is less programming due to the migration of product to channels 50, 51, 52.
What does all this mean? You can draw your own conclusions. But watch out in the next several months -- especially around June when TCI plans on making a rate increase. How will you like paying additional money for You've probably noticed TCI is keeping a low profile these days because of the franchise problem with the city. The key for the city is the customer service response times spelled out by the FCC in the 1992 Cable Act.
- Dennis Hribar, Madison
P.S. How do I know all this? At the time these decisions were made, I was part of the four-person committee which formulated the lineup changes based on the corporate guidelines given to us by the interim general manager, John McNeel. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving, I finalized the changes with McNeel and contacted the newspaper that Friday to place the public notice, as required by the FCC.
As a committee, we expressed to McNeel our concern with the removal of WGN from the Madison market, but once TCI's corporate office has made a decision, it is extremely difficult for managers at the local level to affect a change. As a footnote, three of the four members on the committee (myself included) were part of the December layoffs.
If you know of anyone that is looking for a person with thirteen years of management experience in telecommunications, put them in touch. I will also do consulting work on cable related issues.
Note from me to Dennis: I was looking over your description of channels 50-53. Currently channel 52 is Encore Multiplex (not ESPN) and
channel 53 is BET (not MTV). Am I missing something?
Dennis Responds: It is a little confusing. In November of 96, the original programming changes were to place ESPN on channel 52 and MTV on channel 53. The outcry over WGN obviously caused a last-minute change in plans. Why they chose to put Plex and BET on those channels I can't tell you, since that decision was made after I was gone. The original decision to place AMC and USA in the migrated product tier (MPT) remained.
When I threw out the question of ESPN and MTV being on 52 and 53, it was simply that, a question based on my knowledge of the original structure and the reasoning behind the MPT, which would allow cable operators to recover the programming costs for these channels. A cable operator can only recover the cost up to a certain point based on formulas established by the FCC.
Once that threshold is reached, adding additional programming to the expanded basic tier does not make economic sense since the cost of the additional programming cannot be passed on to the customer through a rate increase. The MPT allows a cable operator to place high cost programming in a separate tier and gives the customer a choice to pay extra for additional programming.
As a sidelight, the MPT will only contain digital programming which can be compressed. Once these signals are compressed, a device will be required in the customer's home to decompress the signal back to analog so that your television set can produce a picture. I know that Plex and BET are being broadcast off their satellite transponders in a digital format. This may be one of the reasons they were chosen for the MPT.
Dave Becker wrote a front page story in the Wisconsin State Journal's December 31 issue about TCI's unannounced channel changes. I spoke with him about my web page on January 6.
For the record, this article originally appeared as one column -- I rearranged it on the computer. None of the content was altered.
The full chart contains details on more than 40 communities. However, due to the time commitment required, I have decided to discontinue updating the chart.
Friday, January 3, 1997
John McNeel of TCI is quoted as claiming that the unannounced changes in channel assignments are "necessary because of the decision to retain WGN," placing the onus on the public outcry in that matter.
Tuesday, March 4, 1997
Cable Comparison Chart
How good a deal are you getting? Use the full chart to compare. It covers expanded basic service only. Charges for premium channels have not been included in the monthly cost.
Location | Provider | Date Last Updated | Monthly Cost | # of Channels Listed | Cost Per Channel Listed | Special Notes | A&E | AMC | Animal Planet | BET | Bravo | Cartoon Network | Classic Sports | CMT | CNBC | CNN | CNNfn | CNN Headline News | CNNI | CNNSI | Comedy Central | Court TV | C-SPAN | C-SPAN 2 | Discovery | Disney | E! | Ecology Channel | Encore Multiplex | ESPN | ESPN 2 | ESPNews | EWTN | Faith & Values | Family | FiT TV | Food Network | Fox News | FX | Game Show Network | Golf Channel | Great American Country | History | Home & Garden TV | Home Shopping Network | Indepedent Film Channel | International Channel | KTLA | Lifetime | MSNBC | MTV | MTV 2 | MuchMusic | NET | Nickelodeon | Nostalgia Television | QVC | Regional Sports Channel | Sci-Fi | TBN | TCM | Telemundo | TLC | TNN | TNT | Travel Channel | TV Land | Univision | USA | VH1 | Weather | WGN | WPIX | WSBK | WTBS | WWOR | Z Music |
Cedar Falls, IA | TCI | 1-20-97 | $21.50 | 45 | $0.48 | *Shares channel space with other networks (counts as half of a channel in # of channels listed). **Requires additional hardware purchase (satellite dish). ##Also includes 31 commercial-free music channels. |
YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anywhere, USA | The Dish Network | 5-31-97 | $25.00** | 49## | $0.51 | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | * | YES | * | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Cedar Falls, IA | CFU | 1-20-97 | $21.00 | 41 | $0.51 | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | * | YES | * | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Monterey, CA | TCI | 2-22-97 | $24.95 | 20.5 | $1.22 | YES | YES | YES | * | * | YES | YES | YES | * | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
To the best of my knowledge the information in the chart is accurate (as of the dates listed).
I sent the following letter to John Malone, President and CEO of TCI, on January 22, 1997. I told him I would include his response here as soon as I got it.
Dear Mr. Malone,I've compiled information about cable tv service in various communities.
It seems the TCI customers in Cedar Falls, Iowa receive more than twice as many channels as those who live in Monterey, California. Yet, Monterey subscribers pay more. Why?
Dave Friedman
I Bought a Dish!
After checking into the various issues surrounding dish vs. cable systems, I decided to take the plunge and purchased a system from The Dish Network.
For those who may wonder what factors influenced my decision, here is a detailed report:
Things I like about the Dish Network:
Things I don't like:
If you have any questions about my setup, feel free to contact me at
Except where explicitly stated otherwise,
Saturday, March 29, 1997
This page is maintainted by Dave Friedman.
Send comments to
I have no association with the linked sites -- especially TCI's.